Fix Slow Water Flow from Your Shower and Faucet with This Simple Home Trick

Fix Slow Water Flow from Your Shower and Faucet with This Simple Home Trick

If water comes slowly from the shower and tap in your house, do not panic. This is a common problem and can be easily fixed at home. Today we will tell you some easy tricks which will help in speeding up the flow of water from your tap and shower. Let us know how?

check aerator
There is a small mesh at the mouth of the tap, which is called aerator. It works to improve the flow of water. Sometimes, dirt gets accumulated in it, causing less water flow. To clean it, first open the aerator with a screwdriver. Then see if it is filled with dirt. If yes, then clean it thoroughly. This is a simple method by which water will come from your tap at a good stream again.

cleaning shower head
Open the shower head and check if there is any dirt stuck in it. If there is dirt in the shower head, there is an easy way to clean it. Put the shower head in vinegar solution and soak it for a few hours. This will soften the dirt. Then, clean the shower head thoroughly with a small brush. By doing this process, water will start flowing properly from the shower head again.

water pressure test
If the water pressure in your house seems to be low, then you can use a water pressure gauge to check it. It is a small instrument that measures water pressure. Just put it on the tap and see what the pressure is. If it’s too low, it’s time to call a plumber. By looking at this problem, the plumber can tell why the pressure is low and how it can be fixed.
Leakage check
Sometimes the water pressure may also decrease due to leakage in the pipes. Check your pipes thoroughly and fix any leaks. By adopting these methods, you can solve the problem of slow water coming from your tap and shower at home.

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